Internships are a vital source of valid experience. For candidates in the early stages of their chosen careers an internship at a popular company can make all the difference between landing a dream job and being stuck on the sidelines. But what are the most prestigious internships of the entire word? Careers site just released a ranking of just that. By surveying 12,000 current and former interns of over 100 world positions we now have a good idea of the most prestigious internships of the world and here they are:
10. The Walt Disney Company
9. Morgan Stanley
8. JP Morgan Chase
7. Amazon
6. Tesla Motors
Here is a little more information on the firms that made it to the top 5:
5. Goldman Sachs
The financial giant holds high prestige for interns with those surveyed citing the company’s dedication to career development and mentorship programs as reasons for the internships high acclaim. Not to mention the value of the words Goldman Sachs printed on interns resumes.
4. Microsoft
The computer giant hold high acclaim with interns. Liked by many for its use of cutting edge technology and generous perks at a trade off of large corporate bureaucracy that a company the size of Microsoft often exudes.
3. Facebook
The social media giant gets a lot of likes from their interns with its impressive modern working environment and powerful name dropping ability when added to interns resumes. Facebook is an incredibly desirable company to work for.
2. Apple
The world famous tech corp holds the runner up position with those surveyed naming Apples working environment and culture of hiring the best and the brightest as reasons for the companies sky high internship global rank.
1. Google
The search engine and Silicon valley Titan wins the number one position for worlds most prestigious internship for the third year running. Participants identified Googles generous perks and positive working environment as factor for the internships popularity along with the powerful bonus that the company name google on interns resumes is dynamite for future job applications.