
Let me define K-12 for you. It is an undertaking of life or death importance. The world changes on a day-t0-day basis and nothing stays the same. And while most of us cherish our childhood memories where nothing appeared to change, we grew out of childhood more adaptive than ever. That is K-12. In our ever-globalising world, K-12 is the seamless change which prepares Chinese youths for the future. In this adventure you’ll have HelloKid by your side. Whereas some schools prefer to expand their student age range, HelloKid keeps K-12 in focus for maximum quality. Despite that stages of education are important, HelloKid has realised K-12 is a person’s unshakable foundation. The company’s on their sixth lap around the sun; and considering how clear-cut their objective is, it will stay in the race for a long time.

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