company culture

How to research an employer

Knowing the company that you want a job at is essential to understanding your future role and the people you will be working with. In a survey by career builder, over a third of applicants applying for a job admitted that they didn't research the employer before applying for a position. With the internet at our fingertips there is no excuse for taking the time to get to know about the company ...
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If you had all the money you ever needed, would you stay at your job?

Paradise beach
Just entertain the idea for a second. Imagine you wake up one morning having enough money to do all you ever wanted, all you ever planned for. Living a long life with the financial means to do whatever you wanted for the rest of your days on earth. In this instance, with money being of no more concern or relevance, would you stay at your job? Looking at this question should help us understa...
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